Galadriel’s Ring Nenya 925 Sterling Silver

Galadriel’s Ring Nenya 925 Sterling Silver

Nenya came to life in our workshop. Nenya, the legendary Elven Ring in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” universe, is an important ring of power. Its bearer is Galadriel. One of the three Elven Rings, Nenya is also known as the “Ring of Adamant” or the “Ring of Water”. It was made by Celebrimbor from Mithril and Adamant Stone. As Lord of the Rings fans; we have carefully crafted this legendary ring Nenya, not with Mithril but with 925 Sterling Silver and Diamonds.

We think that Tolkien fans and lovers of elegant elf jewelry will appreciate this unique design.

You can contact us on Whatsapp or Instagram for your special Nenya.